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7 Reasons Why You May Never Be Successful


Most people are working on the time bomb of failure but they never realise it, they may look secure on the outside but they know that they are failing on the inside, Success comes from the subconscious mind but so many people never realize it.

Your subconscious mind has a lot to do with your success. Whatever you become is determined by your inner mind, so you must never joke with it.
Here Are Some Very Few Reasons Why Most People May Never Be successful.

Based on past experiences of great people and even myself, here is are very few reasons why most people may never succeed.

1. You Have Not Failed Enough.

You are comfortable in your mediocrity; because you choose not to try. Because it is easier for you to talk about everything you desire to learn as opposed to actually learning it.

Because you think everything is too hard or too complicated so you will just “cancel this one out”, or maybe you’ll, “do-it-tomorrow” and tomorrow never ends!

Because you hate your job but won’t get a new one; because it is easy to reject rejection.

Because while you’re sitting around failing to try, people with a desire to succeed are out there trying to fail, challenging themselves, learning new things and failing as fast as possible.

Because as they fail, they learn and then adjust their course to make sure their path is always forward. Like the process of annealing steel, they’ve been through the fire and pounded into shape. The shape of a sword with polished edges and a razor-sharp blade that will cut you in half if you are not equally hardened.

2. You Care What Others Think About You.

Because you believe that being different is only cool if you’re different in the same way that other people are different.

Because you are afraid to embrace your true self for fear of how the world will see you. You think that because you judge others, this means that those people must, in turn, be judging you.

Because you care more about the stuff you have as opposed to the things you’ve done.

Because while you’re out spending your money on new clothes, new cars, overpriced meals or nights at the bar, those who want to succeed are busy investing in themselves.

3. You Think You are Smarter Than You Are.

Because you did what everyone else did, you studied what they studied and read what they read.

Because you learned what you had to learn in order to pass their tests and you think that makes you smart.

Because you think learning is only something people do in schools.

Because while you were away at school, successful people are busy studying life; instead of learning about the world in a classroom they went out and learned it by living.

Successful people know more than any piece of paper you could ever frame from a university. Because smart is not what you learn, it’s how you LIVE.

Because I could pass your tests if I had to, but you couldn’t stand for a single second in the face of the tests that life has thrown to ME. Tests that are not graded on a graph sheet or by percentages; tests that are graded by one simple stipulation: SURVIVAL!

4 . You Don’t Read.

I know you try to read the things you are required to read or nothing at all.

Because you think history is boring and philosophy is stupid.

Because you would rather sit and watch “films!” or “listen to music” instead of exploring something new, instead of diving headfirst, into the brain of another man in an attempt to better understand the world around you.

Because you refuse to acknowledge that all the power in the world comes from the words of those that lived before us. That anything you desire can be had by searching through the multitude of words that are available to us now more abundantly than ever before.

Because you are probably not paying attention to this podcast even though you know you should.  Because you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

5. You Lack Curiosity.

Because you get your news from copy-cat members of the state-controlled media.

Because you are unwilling to ask this simple question… 
“What if it’s all a lie?”, and accept the possibility that maybe it is; that just maybe, the methods of mass media are under direct orders to keep you distracted.

Because you call people a “know-it-all” but refuse to call yourself a “know-nothing-at-all”.

Successful people thirst for knowledge, regardless of the topic. While you’re busy playing LUDO, or SOCCER GAMES, they are reading about Psychology and Effective communications.

While you waste your time gossiping and chit-chatting, they are learning new skills that the real-world needs. Because they know, that where your skill and the needs of the world cross path, there lies your vocation.

6. You Don’t Ask Enough Questions.

You do not question authority. Because you don’t question yourself. Because you don’t understand the power of properly placed questioning in life, respectful disagreements and standing up for what you know to be right in the face of someone telling you otherwise. Unable to question reality; stuck in a self-imposed survival strategy within a matrix-style monotony.

Because I know that you will release all the information needed to destroy you by letting you talk.

Successful people study human behaviours and you ignore everyone but yourself.

Successful people watch how you say the things you say just as closely as they listen to what you say, and you say way too much!

Control comes, not from spewing your ignorance like some incurable case of logorrhea, but from properly structuring the context of your questions.

7. You Can’t Handle The Truth

Because you refuse to admit that you don’t even know the things you don’t know.

Because there is no material that would make up for all the time you have wasted in life.

Because even if I told you everything could be different tomorrow you would wait until then to begin doing anything about it.

Because even when you think they are not, Successful people are aware of their surroundings.

Because you think that since they have not acknowledged you, it means that they have not seen you.

Because, you walk around with your head missing in the crowd, oblivious to the world around you. Blissfully ignorant of the reality that sits so close to your face that if you stuck your tongue out, just once, you would taste it and realize how delicious the truth actually is.

Because you would become an instant addict. Unable to pull yourself from the teat of truth.


Finally able to understand your lack of understanding, and then you would see; then you would know that the only thing holding you back from doing something truly amazing with your LIFE is YOU. So, step out of your comfort zone. Do More with your Life.

Do more than just offer … make a difference. Work for a Cause … not for Applause. Live Life to Express … not to Impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed … just make your absence felt. You are more than YOU actually think you are! YOU CAN SUCCEED!


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