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How To Market Your Business With No Money


It is no news that so many business owners have seldomly complained that they have not been able to market their businesses because they do not have enough startup capital.

Most of the time these people ignore their business values and goals and begin to chase more money, but in the long run, they become frustrated and eventually give up on their business.

Are you a business owner and you feel your business has not attracted enough market size as you require. Here are tips to help you get started.

1. Offer Your Services For Free.

This does not mean you have to do it for free completely, it only helps people to see what more value you intend to offer more than your competitors.

Most likely if you do not have money to market your business; you are just starting. This means you do not have a track record of successes: no case studies, testimonials, or results you can present to prospects.

When you are first getting started, you need proof more than you need money. Focus on building a successful portfolio overcharging money. This is because a track record will grant a much greater return than small gigs would.

You can use a portfolio of success to convince prospects you can provide value, but cannot use the money to do the same. This is one reason why a track record is much more valuable.

2. Joint Venture With Other People.

The second way of marketing your business with no money is through joint ventures.

To do this, figure out who has access to the customers you want. This could be an influencer or a successful entrepreneur. These people have already spent time and money on building an audience base. Doing a joint venture with these people allows you to tap into that audience.

So how can you convince them to do a joint venture with you? Offer them something in return: money, commissions, or an exchange of service. As long as you can provide them with value, that’s all that matters.

3. Be a Guest On Other People’s Platform.

Guest appearances are also a great way to build relationships. If you are popular with a person’s audience, chances are they will want you to keep coming back. This opens up opportunities for joint ventures and partnerships down the road.

You benefit from being a guest by tapping into a large audience. You don’t have to spend your time and energy to build one, you can just borrow someone else’s. In return, you provide value by offering your insights.

4. Content Marketing.

Examples of content include YouTube videos, podcasts, and blogs. When you have no money to spend, use time. You invest time in creating these pieces of content. If you had money, you could simply run ads, or pay someone to create content for you. But, since this is an article on how to market your business with no money, these two options will be put aside.

Understand that marketing your business is not an overnight success. You are playing the long game of trading short term successes for long term value. Marketing your business via content takes time because there is a lot of content already out there.


Here is an article to help you get started with promoting your business on social media.


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